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Bread bags

Bread bags: does it need the package?

There is no direct answer on this question. Local governments in some parts of Russia didn't leave any choice to bread manufacturers, as they confirm by law obligation of the bread package. In this article we tried to collect as a lot of information, according to this question and help to manufacturers to make a right decision, which will suit them.

Why does bread bags need?

To pack or not to pack baked bread – it's very important question for manufacturers. From this decision depend the gain of the bread manufacturing, if YES, than the factory needs to have special equipment, also you need to find a staff. What are the positive properties the bread bags has?

The package helps to protect the product, also it's increase the storage, by the way it is possible to put not only the information, but also ad, so you can use the bread bags as a marketing idea. Bread bags are protect the product from the negative influence of the invironment, protecting the bread from the wet and dust, insects and destruction, what allows to save the trade dress ducring the transportation from manufacturer to the customer.

The starch which has in bread in the type of flour paste – get older during the storage, this makes some irreversible processe. The density of the starch increase and the wet appears, the bread itself get stale. Ofcourse one can not to stop the process of drying up, but the bags could increase the storage time. Bread bags also can be made from paper, but also they could be made from polymere materials – existent assortment gives a number of variants to choose from.

Putting on the bag some information gives a possibility to customer, to know something about the manufacturer, also to see the structure and the storage time of the bread. All needed information is printed on the package.It would be perfect if the bread bags are transparent, in this case the customer has possibility to choose the bread evaluating it's quality and how tasty does it looks. For the manufacturer bread bags gives a possibility to save it from the fake and this fact is also for that the bread needs to have a bag. And the last thing is marketing. What is the function of the bags from this side? Try to choose the bread you like, on the shelves among dozen of different types. Is it impossible? Yes, it is. But only in the case when all the products looks like the bricks. To make the customer buy your product, you need to make transparent bread bag bright and attractive. With pictures and inscriptions. Transparent bags with bright and attractive inscriptions and printings, covered the package would be notable on the shelves and would keep the customer look on it. If the attention to the product would increase than the demand would increase also, it means that the incoming profit would also increase.